The “Real” Reasons Killers Decide to Take Innocent Lives By Phil Chalmers

By Phil Chalmers

While the media coverage slows on the Parkland, Florida shooting, and the mainstream media awaits another massacre, I want to continue to challenge all of you to stay focused on the “real” reasons killers decide to take innocent lives. While many are focused on the AR-15, I want to attempt to keep people focused on the real problems.

Banning AR-15 Rifles will not only be near impossible, it would not have stopped many mass shootings. While AR-15’s were used in the shootings in Vegas, Orlando, Sandy Hook, Sutherland Springs, Parkland and San Bernardino, 97% or more of mass murderers use guns other than AR-15s. Here are a few mass murders that involved guns other than AR-15s, and in these cases, only handguns, which are actually just as deadly as rifles. And easier to conceal.

Virginia Tech-32 dead, 23 injured
Luby’s Cafeteria-23 dead, 27 injured
Edmond Post Office-14 dead, 6 injured
Binghamton Immigration-13 dead, 4 injured
Camden NJ Walk of Death-13 dead, 3 injured
Fort Hood TX-14 dead, 33 injured
Mark Barton Atlanta-12 dead, 13 injured 
Red Lake MN-9 dead, 5 injured 
Charleston, SC Church-9 dead, 3 injured

Instead of looking at the killing tools, we need to examine the heart and motivation. Here are the main reasons I believe people kill, especially school shooters.

1-Mainstream Media makes them famous
2-Bullying and being wronged 
3-Fascination with violence including violent video games, torture films, violent music and violent porn. 
4-Unstable Homes, especially no Father
5-Mental Illness and Thoughts of Suicide
6-Use of drugs, alcohol and prescription medication. 
7-Fascination with and Ease of obtaining guns, knives, and bombs
8-Untreated Mental Illness
9-Lack of Discipline and Spiritual Guidance
10-Lack of respect of human life

Let’s keep spreading the word people. Share this post. And let’s keep people thinking about how to help our kids. Before the next school shooter strikes, which averages around one school shooting per week. 
(Guns pictured were used in the third deadliest shooting in American history, Virginia Tech). 


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