Recovery Within the Walls by Jon Young

Jon Young

Jon Young has been locked up for 4.5 years now with 1.5 years to go and 5 years prohibition from crimes he has committed while on heroin. Everything posted are speeches, stories or poems he himself has written while in prison to seek out to help others. Since he has been in he has been clean for 4 years and now teaches yoga classes and meditation classes. He is one of six teachers that teach an entrepreneur class and now he also participates in toast masters international which is a public speaking organization. He also is taking classes through Ashland University. He has been trying everything he can from the inside to help everyone on the inside and also find ways to help on the outside. He hopes to show people you can recover and you can make a change one step at a time.

Feeding my Addiction:
There are many moments that have struck me that I think about from time to time. My girlfriend and I were in the car waiting outside of a store I was planning on robbing. It was dark and close to closing time. I never wanted to rob anyone but that’s how far things got, there was no other option I would accept. I was nervous and my anxiety spiked and I was vocalizing how I felt. My girlfriend looked at me and said something like “if you want to keep sticking that needle in your arm, you gotta do this.” I’m not saying this to throw the blame at her, only to show where things had gotten. We were desperate; we needed to get money for dope. Our rent was behind, our car almost always on empty, barely any cigarettes. Everything decent we owned we sold. We had a laptop only because the pawn shop wouldn’t take it because it was cracked somewhere. We barely had any food. And this, this is where we were at. If I wanted to keep sticking that needle in my arm this is what I had to do. What the ___? And I did do it. I went in to that store and I robbed them and we bought enough gas and cigarettes to get through the next day and spent the rest on dope.

Jon Young

More of his real life stories to be posted soon.

Beautiful blue veins, open up to drink my poison. My piercing God, inject me with your reason. Melted down liquid mirror, reflect my eyes, reflect my fear. Steady hands, Steady flow, Release me from the world I know. –  by Jon

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