Reps. Crossman and Weinstein Submit Complaint To Ohio Inspector General Initiating Investigation


Urge Probe Of Governor’s Employees Regarding Their Involvement In Passage Of The Scandal Ridden Nuclear Bailout Bill (HB6) 

COLUMBUS—Rep. Jeffrey A. Crossman (D-Parma) and Rep. Casey Weinstein (D-Hudson) filed a complaint today with the office of the Ohio Inspector General initiating a formal investigation into the Governor and his staff regarding their involvement in the drafting and passage of the nuclear bailout bill that became House Bill 6 in the 133rd General Assembly.  This initiates the first non-criminal examination into the activities that occurred in the Governor’s office during the negotiation, drafting, and passage of HB6.

While the investigation is not necessarily a criminal investigation, the Ohio Inspector General is obligated to investigate state officers and employees to determine whether wrongful acts have occurred.  In the event an Inspector General finds wrongdoing, a report may be forwarded to prosecutors for criminal prosecution.  The complaint submitted by Reps. Crossman and Weinstein has asked the Ohio Inspector General to investigate the conduct of a series of individuals working or appointed by Governor DeWine, including Dan McCarthy, Laurel Dawson, Michael Hall, Anne Vogel, Sam Randazzo, and Scott Elisar. 

“Ohioans are still paying the price for HB6 – to the tune of at least $10,000 EVERY HOUR for an Indiana coal bailout. Taxpayers deserve answers and accountability. And I’m going to ensure they get both,” said Rep. Weinstein.

“About a month ago we called upon Gov. DeWine to be honest and transparent with Ohioans regarding his participation in the corrupt nuclear bailout bill.  To date, he has not done so,” said Rep. Crossman.  “Ohioans need to know how their government passed such a corrupt piece of legislation and why Gov. DeWine defended it. We take our responsibility to hold corrupt public officials accountable for their actions very seriously, even if Gov. DeWine does not.” 

*Editor’s note: For a copy of Rep. Crossman & Rep. Weinstein filed complaint click here.