Safe Decisions Week Returns to Nordonia Schools

Safe Decisions Week returns to the Nordonia community! Nordonia Schools are partnering again with State Farm Agent Jill Gaba and Ohio Sports Chiropractic and Rehab to bring Safe Decisions Week to the district for the second year in a row. See our coverage from last years Pep Rally.

The week-long event will take place in all of the Nordonia Schools from elementary to the high school. Safe Decisions Week culminates Friday, Oct. 11th at 5 p.m. The community is invited to a free Nordonia Tailgate and Safety Resource Fair prior to the “BLACK-OUT” football game against Stow at 7 p.m.

Monday – 10/7 7:30 a.m. -9:30 a.m.

All high school students will participate in a Think Fast Interactive Game Show Assembly and compete for prizes. This is an engaging and experiential awareness program is a fun way to reinforce safe driving and safe decisions.

All schools in the community from elementary to the high school will focus on the safe decisions of safe driving, being a safe passenger, or mindfulness.

Tuesday – 10/8 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

High school students can participate in an ARDDES Augmented Reality simulator presentation, featuring biometrics and eye tracking software using a Chevrolet Spark. Students can drive a Roadster vehicle while wearing impaired vision goggles, play a Distracted Driving Simulator game, see what it is like to drive impaired with Virtual Reality Glasses, and walk the line with impaired goggles. Students may sign a pledge banner during lunch.

All other schools in the community will focus on safe driving, being a safe passenger, and bike safety. Students in all schools may sign a “I pledge to make Safe Decisions” banner at lunch.

Wednesday – 10/9 10 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

High school students will learn more about Personal Safety. The Personal Safety Fair includes presentations regarding online safety, self-defense, and other personal safety. Students can drive a skid cart and distracted driver cart using a cell phone for more driving safety. Impact Teen Drivers will present “What Do You Consider Lethal?”

All other schools in the community will focus on Personal Safety including online safety, responsible use of technology, bullying/cyberbullying and awareness of surroundings. Students in all schools may sign a “I pledge to make Safe Decisions” banner at lunch.

Wednesday – 10/9 6 p.m.-7 p.m.

For parents and guardians, Dr. Charlie Brown will discuss Cyber Safety and Adolescent Mental Health in the Google Lab at the High School.

Thursday – 10/10

High School students may attend a Mental Health and Physical Well Being Fair and will learn more about Mental Health and Physical Well-Being with information on nutrition, yoga, stretching, meditation, and more.

All other schools will focus on Mental Health and Physical Well-Being.

1:30 PM – High School Safe Decisions Week and Senior Athlete Recognition Pep Rally

Friday – 10/11

5:00 p.m. – Free Pregame Tailgate and Community Safe Decisions Resource Fair

(FREE and open to the public)

7:00 p.m. – Wear Safe Decision Week black-out gear to the football game as the Knights host Stow. The team will wear their custom “Safe Decisions Week” Black uniforms that were purchased last year.

T-shirts will be available to order until September 13th. Students from the Nordonia Youth 2 Youth program and other SDW Student Ambassadors are helping with the event and proceeds from t-shirt sales will help fund the Y2Y program. There will be prize giveaways all week long.


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