Scott Gale, the fiscal officer for Sagamore Hills, announced at the September 9th trustee meeting that he will withdraw his name from the November 5th ballot. Scott was up for re-election against Laura Steimle.
Scott said: “After considerable consideration…it’s hard to take a vacation on this job and I have a vacation planned that I plan to take. So I plan to withdraw from the ballot, and I will finish out and help with the transition. I appreciate everything.”
During public comments Carol Lewis said “You’ve done a wonderful job. We are so grateful.”
Recently the Sagamore Hills Huntington Bank account was hacked. Out of 1.1 million dollars, they were able to stop $900.000, but $208,411 is still unaccounted for. Jeff Snell had made a comment in the Monday August 12th meeting, that “the compromised access was not through Huntington Bank, but through our ability to access our account.” Scott Gale cannot explain how this happened.
Scott did not respond to our request for comment.
Listen to the complete audio file for the meeting here (click green arrow):