So-So Artsy Paint and Sip Studio Grand Opening and Look for the Chamber Rocks

On Thursday, June 21 at 4:00 pm, So-So Artsy Paint & Sip Studio will celebrate its Open House with a Ribbon Cutting hosted by the Nordonia Hills Chamber of Commerce.  Immediately following, there will be a Kick-Off Open House with a fun and creative Team Building Paint Party Event offered to Chamber members, free of charge.  Refreshments will be served.  So-So Artsy is located at 10333 Northfield Rd., next to the Title Bureau.  Please RSVP to  Be sure to visit So-So Artsy on Saturday, June 23, 3-5 pm, for the official Grand Opening for the community!

We have started #NordoniaHillsChamberRocks on (June 14).  Members have painted rocks, and put their business name on the back and placed them somewhere in Nordonia Hills.  Whoever finds a painted rock can pick it up and take it to that business to be redeemed for a gift or just take it and place it somewhere else so someone else can find it!  This is a very inexpensive way to drive traffic into our businesses and bring smiles to everyone.  The business can either give the rock to the “finder” or place it back out in the community again.   We also started a FaceBook page so our members can post pictures of their rocks and hopefully pictures of their “finders” as well.  No doubt about it – the Nordonia Hills Chamber rocks!

Our ONLY business is YOUR business!
Laura Sparano
Nordonia Hills Chamber of Commerce
Macedonia/Northfield Center/Northfield Village/Sagamore Hills, Ohio
Phone – 330-467-8956
E-mail –

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