Spread the Word

Fall is at our door steps and fairs, fundraisers and more are being scheduled for the months ahead. What better way to get the people to come to your event than to get the word out to the masses. Promotion, advertising and word of mouth is the way to do it. Here at nordoniahills.news you can get that information out to the public. By contacting us you can get your event out in several different ways:

1.    We can place your event on our website calendar and depending on your requirements we can get that information out thru Social Media (Facebook, Twitter). We can also make sure that your information is sent out multiple times thru Social Media before the event happens.
2.    Maybe you would like to have a background story to go with your event. We can help you come up with an article that we can post on our website. We can then take this article and make sure that your information is sent out multiple times thru Social Media before the event happens.
3.    Maybe you have a new or existing business that you want to get the word out to the public. Again we can work with you to get an article or advertising on our website. Once again we can take that information and spread it out thru Social Media multiple times for the public to see and hear about your business.

So by taking the steps now you can generate that buzz about the event or business you want the public to come too. Contact us at julied@nordoniahills.news to begin your process.

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