Stamp of Approval: The Nordonia Hills Community welcomes the HELP Foundation, Inc.

By Andrea Stamp

In recent weeks, the HELP Foundation opened a new HELP Adult Day Support and Vocational Training Program in Northfield.  The mission of the HELP Foundation is to “ensure that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities have the homes, environments and opportunities to be valued members of their communities.”  Because of this mission, the Help Foundation searches for communities that may not have a lot of options available for potential participants.  Northern Summit County was one such place.


The HELP Foundation staff strives to provide vocational training to its participants while it also aims to provide a safe place for support, confidence building and social growth. Doug Knoop, Chief Development & Communications Officer, advises that “with assistance from HELP staff our program participants enjoy community-based group therapy and vocational training to assist them in building the skills and confidence to lead their best lives.” Job training is a “critical component” of the HELP Foundation program. As Knoop has said “the vast majority of adults who have a disability are unemployed.”  A goal for HELP Foundation is for their community participants will find satisfaction in earning a regular paycheck while contributing their time to a good day’s work.  Vocational employees work for the HELP U SHRED division of Help Foundation.  The participants provide secure document shredding services to local businesses.

Since 1965, The HELP Foundation has committed to providing services for adults and children with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  The HELP Foundation recognizes that it can be challenging for a family of an adult with an intellectual and/or developmental disability to constantly meet the emotional and social engagement needs of their loved one.  The HELP Foundation provides an environment where peers can create relationships with one another in a safe, supervised place while teaching the value of giving back to their community.

If you would like further program information or shredding services, call 216-432-4810 or visit The Northfield HELP Foundation is located at 10333 Northfield Road.


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