Summit County Communities Oppose Broadband Restrictions in State Budget


SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO—In response to the growing demand for high quality, affordable and secure broadband access, Summit County Executive Ilene Shapiro recently began conversations with the City of Fairlawn to discuss the concept of building a publicly owned fiber ring connecting all 31 communities in Summit County. This ring would allow secure connectivity and communications that support public safety, education, economic development, remote work and a host of high tech needs within each community.

The Executive’s Office received overwhelmingly positive feedback from the Mayors and Township Trustees who are excited to undertake the next steps in the planning process. Unfortunately, a proposed Ohio Senate Omnibus Budget amendment, if enacted, would effectively kill the municipal broadband networks currently operating and prohibit the creation of new municipal networks. It would further discourage public/private partnerships and governmental collaborations that seek to improve services and save taxpayer dollars. High-speed connectivity is a necessity for Ohio to remain competitive in the national and global market economy.

Communities, public entities, and community leaders from all over Summit County have voiced opposition to this amendment and are asking for the removal of broadband restrictions included in the Senate Omnibus Budget Amendment. To date, the following have spoken out against the amendment and in favor of better broadband: Summit County Executive Ilene Shapiro, Summit County Council, Barberton Mayor William Judge, Cuyahoga Falls Mayor Don Walters, Tallmadge Mayor David Kline, Mayor of Lakemore Richard Cole, Mayor of Silver Lake Bernie Hovey, City of Fairlawn, City of Munroe Falls, Village of Clinton, Village of Reminderville, Coventry Township, Township Association of Summit County, University of Akron President Gary Miller and Summit County Public Health.

Click here for Summit Resolution Opposing Broadband Restriction

Click here for Summit County Public Health Broadband