Summit County Department of Finance and Budget receives national award

SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO—Summit County Executive Ilene Shapiro’s Department of Finance and Budget was recently presented the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA). The award was established in 1984 to encourage and assist state and local governments in preparing high quality budget documents that reflect the guidelines established by the National Advisory Council on State and Local Budgeting and the GFOA’s best practices on budgeting.

“Year after year, our Department of Finance and Budget demonstrates a commitment to exceptional budgeting principles,” said Executive Shapiro. “Summit County is dedicated to being a good steward of public dollars and this award is a testament to that dedication.”

According to GFOA, the award represents a significant achievement and reflects the commitment of the governing body and staff to meeting the highest principles of governmental budgeting. To win the award, the Summit County Department of Finance and Budget achieved “proficient” ratings in four categories: a policy document, a financial plan, an operations guide, and a communications device. Each category has 14 mandatory criteria that had to be met to receive the award.

“Our Finance and Budget team works hard to make sure the annual budget reflects the high standard Summit County has set for itself. We are honored to once again receive this award from our peers,” said Chief of Staff Brian Nelsen. “Diane Miller-Dawson, our new department director, received this award more than 20 years in a row when she led finance and budget for the City of Akron and we expect her streak to continue with Summit County.”

The GFOA is a nonprofit professional association serving more than 19,000 government finance professionals throughout North America. It provides top quality publications, training programs, services and products designed to enhance the skills and performance of those responsible for government finance policy and management.

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