Summit County Employees Raise $1,451.00 Throughout Month of February in Honor of Go Red For Women

County Executive Shapiro sponsored a number of events throughout the month of February for participating County offices in recognition of the American Heart Association’s Go Red campaign, which works to raise awareness surrounding the issue of heart disease and stroke in women. Summit County employees raised a grand total of $1,451.00 for the American Heart Association.

In the United States, approximately 500,000 women lose their lives annually to cardiovascular disease. While heart disease ranks as the number one killer of women, heart related deaths are still primarily identified with men. The Go Red campaign’s mission is to increase education and awareness of cardiovascular health as it relates to women and encourage personal action to know heart health and heart risks.

“We had fantastic participation in all of the Go Red events, and I am very proud of how much our County employees supported this cause,” said Executive Ilene Shapiro. “Not only were participants given opportunities to learn about cardiovascular issues and become more aware of their own risks, they in turn helped to support the lives of those affected by heart related diseases.”

The Go Red Executive events were open to all employees, male and female, and included:
⦁ Jeans for Go RED
⦁ Heart Healthy Gift Basket or Gym Membership Raffle
⦁ Paint the County RED door/cubicle decorating contest
⦁ National Wear RED Day
⦁ Lunch and Learn – Know Your Heart Healthy Numbers?
⦁ Lunch and Learn – Heart Healthy Eating
⦁ Lunch and Learn – Save a Heart CPR

For more information about Go Red for Women and cardiovascular disease please visit:

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