Summit County Pandemic Child Care Information

SUMMIT COUNTY, OHIO—In response to the COVID-19 situation, the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services (ODJFS) has implemented the Temporary Pandemic Child Care License, a new rule which sets the process and requirements for child care providers to operate under a special pandemic child care license. This temporary licensure will allow approved programs to serve children whose parents are employees providing health, safety and other essential services as defined by the Director of ODJFS in consultation with the Director of the Ohio Emergency Management Agency.

There is no application fee and these programs will not be required to be rated in Step Up To Quality in order to provide publicly funded child care. Payment for these programs will be determined through an agreement process with the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services.

ODJFS must use discretion regarding the number of licenses approved based on need and pandemic health concerns. As a result, ODJFS will evaluate programs based on location, capacity, and the number of children currently being served with parents employed to provide health, safety or other essential services.

Summit County has approximately 60 centers approved for Pandemic Child Care. A frequently updated list of local providers can be found at

All child care programs, including Family Child Care (FCC) Home Providers, must close by 11:59 pm on Wednesday, March 25, 2020. Only licensed or certified pandemic child care programs can provide child care beginning March 26, 2020. FCC Home Providers who are currently licensed and currently certified in-home aides can apply for a pandemic child care license.

Providers who would like to become a pandemic provider should complete JFS 01258 “Application for Temporary Pandemic Child Care Center License” to apply for a temporary pandemic child care license. This form can be used by existing ODJFS-licensed child care centers when designated as an emergency child care location as well as new programs applying for a temporary pandemic child care system license. The form is available at

FCC Home Providers willing to provide service for parents employed providing health, safety and other essential services during the pandemic should complete the JFS 01258 form and submit it to as soon as possible.

A temporary pandemic child care applicant who does not currently operate a facility must complete a Request for Commercial Time Limited Occupancy Application. This application should be sent to; payment can be made online. The number of children to be supervised and number of adult staff must be included on the application. A Serious Hazard Inspections will then be scheduled and completed by Building Inspector, Electrical Inspector and Plumbing Inspector. The applicant of the daycare must also contact the local Fire Department for inspection. Existing facilities may submit their Certificate of Occupancy to ODJFS for approval. Please see attached memorandum for complete permit information.

Providers must also complete JFS 01259 “Pandemic Child Care Center Child Enrollment Addendum” to document how the child’s parent meets the requirement of providing health and safety services as defined by ODJFS. This form is available at

Coronavirus Pandemic Child Care Information for Families can be found at This page includes the list of approved pandemic child care centers and will be updated frequently.

Coronavirus Pandemic Child Care Information for Providers can be found at This page includes current child care rules for pandemic child care programs.

For additional information, contact the Child Care Policy Helpdesk at 1-877-302-2347 and select option 4.


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