Summit County Probate Court Guidelines

In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the Probate Court continues to remain open with the following guidelines:

The staff remains divided into two working groups to allow for flexibility in the event of a quarantine. This may delay return phone calls and we ask for your patience.

Anyone coming to the Courthouse will have a temperature check and may be turned away by the Sheriff’s office for any health reason.

Marriage licenses are available in person. Applicants must have a firm date and officiator and are urged to use the online application process to bring a filled printed copy to court. While here, they must maintain social distance by staying behind the markers on the floor. All applicants are welcome in the month of their ceremony. For a ceremony set in the next month, applicants are welcome after the 15th of the month preceding. Licenses will not be issued if there is no firm date or the ceremony is set more than 45 days away.

People wishing to file documents are strongly encouraged to mail or email them to us. However, filings in person are permitted. Those wishing to file will drop their filings at the counter in the main clerk’s office. If you have questions, please attach them in writing to the documents and the appropriate staff member will contact you. Members of the public are not allowed to approach the clerk’s individual desks unless requested by the clerk and then must remain 6 feet away.

Court fees may be paid by mail or in person. If in person, social distance is required and the payor must remain at the mark on the floor unless called forward by the cashier.

Adoption hearings will be conducted by Zoom for the foreseeable future. Name Change hearings will be waived for the foreseeable future. The Help Desk is cancelled until further notice.

Where appropriate, all hearings will be held by telephone or video conference. The judge or magistrates will decide if in person hearings are required, on a case by case basis. Social distancing will be required in the courtroom.

Court investigators will be available by telephone. To reach the Court investigator on call, please call 330-643-8771.

Source: Summit County Probate Court Facebook

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