Summit County Sheriff’s Office Joins Forces With Local Police Departments For Carnival With a Cop Program

On July 25, 2019, the Summit County Sheriff’s Office along with officers from the University of Akron Police Department, Akron Police Department, Fairlawn Police Department, Copley Police Department, Lakemore Police Department, and the Summa Police Department will be taking 70 children from Summit County area schools to the Summit County Fair. This annual event is called “Carnival with a Cop” and it is being sponsored by our Christmas with a Cop program. We are busing the children from the University of Akron to the fairgrounds in parade fashion with lights and sirens. We received personal donations and donations from Lisko Family Amusements, Young’s Screenprinting, and the Summit County Fair. With these donations, we were able to pay for the children to attend the fair, provide ride passes, serve them lunch, and provide every child with a backpack containing school supplies.

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