SUPPORT THE K9 Officers And Hero’s Raffle / Quadruple Gun Raffle

GET YOUR TICKETS SOON five for $ 80 which is buy 4 get one free Also we have a couples combo for $65 2 guns tickets and couple dinner ticket if you want extra tickets, can buy gun tickets or dinner ticket for the regular price
This will be held in the community room at Jefferson Village Police Department 104 East Jefferson Street Jefferson Ohio 44047

You do not have to be present to win but it is encouraged
To purchase tickets contact Kathy Pallaise or Kris E Hamrick or Kristy Mathias Hosken

Proceeds to benefit area K9 officers in the Ashtabula area.
A work out gym for APD and to fund the National Night Out which will be held in Ashtabula
Guns : 40 caliber Glock 23 4th generation
Nine millimeter Springfield XD subcompact
A Mossberg 12-gauge Persuader with bead sight
Ruger Mini tactical 223 rifle

The dinner starts at 6:00 and the quadruple gun raffle starts at 7:00. one gun will be raffled off every hour for 4 hours!
There will be a 50/50 raffle and other items auctioned off during this event.
The tickets for the quadruple gun raffle are $20 each. One ticket theoretically gets you four chances to win a gun the more tickets you buy the better your chance at winning you could win 1,2,3,or all 5 guns !
The tickets for the dinner at which the drawing will be held are $15 a person $25 a couple and that includes rigatoni and meatballs, salad, soft drink, and an open bar!
There are only 250 dinner tickets available so get yours quickly!

For more information go to the Facebook event:

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