Tess Update: “We got news today that her prosthetic leg will be in on Monday!!”

By Tina Puma

Haven’t updated in awhile, so here it goes… Tessa is doing great! She is so happy and silly everyday, we are so amazed by her strength and positive attitude during all this. We got news today that her prosthetic leg will be in on Monday!! She is soooo excited. She keeps saying she can’t wait to walk and dance again! She had a fun week so far!! She went to the movies on Tuesday with some of her older dance friends and her big sis Chloe, On Wednesday she colored Easter eggs with Chloe & Tyler, its one of her favorite things to do and because she was in the hospital during Easter she missed out on that fun so we made sure she was able to do it now. It is so nice to see her enjoying life again with friends and family. We are surrounded by so much love for our little girl. Sad to see Melinda Mitchell go back to Florida today, she is always so much help and fun when she is in town. She will be back in a few months and the kids are already looking forward to that!

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