Tessa Fundraiser: Never Miss The Chance To Dance!! Come out to Nordonia High School this Sunday!

Hi Everyone!
by now I’m sure some of you have heard about 6 year old dancer, Tessa Puma who had to face a leg amputation due to an infection. In honor of Tessa my studio Element Dance Company will be hosting a fundraiser for the Puma family. You do not have to be a dancer to attend, everyone is welcome! There is a charge of 5$ per person. To also raise more money we will be accepting donations of any kind, and there will be team tessa tees and bracelets for sale! All of the money raised at this event will be given to the Puma family! Even if you are not able to make it tell your friends and family! I would love to see some familiar faces at this event, let me know if you could make it! it’s going to be a blast! “It doesn’t matter where you dance because at the end of the day we all share the same love for dance!” EDC is #TeamTessa #tessastrong and we hope you are too!!



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