I wanted to give you an update of how The Emergency Assistance Center (TEAC) Food Pantry is operating in the midst of COVID-19.
There was nothing that could truly prepare anyone for all the issues that would come up during this pandemic. Despite obstacles and with your help, TEAC has been able to remain open during our normal business hours of Monday through Friday from 8 am to 4 pm. Your many monetary donations and ongoing nonperishable food and hygiene donations have been a lifesaver! We understand how challenging it is to shop for your own families and deeply appreciate your generosity to your neighbors in need.
In order to protect clients, volunteers and staff, we provide curbside service: our clients come by appointment and stay in their car, a staff member checks their photo id, and loads their trunk with prepackaged non-perishable food, frozen meat, produce, bread and hygiene. At Easter additional food supplies were given along with a gift certificate for a ham or turkey and Easter baskets for young children.
We check the temperatures of staff and volunteers with a non-contact thermometer before they enter the building, maintain social distance, wear gloves, masks and disinfect frequently. Although we enjoyed and depended on the help of over 70 regular weekly volunteers, we now operate with less than half that amount. We are so thankful for the many individuals from the community who are coming to TEAC to volunteer because they can’t go to work or school.
We will not return to normal operations as a “Choice Pantry” until Phase 3 of Governor DeWine’s reopening plan, provided we have enough regular volunteers at that time. Unfortunately we are unable to take your clothing items. Once we return to normal and clients can select their own items, we will reopen the clothing boutique.
On behalf of the Trustees, staff and myself, thank you for all of your support! Your generous donations have been most helpful during this national crisis! We continue to be operational because of your kindness and support!
Updated needs are listed on our website www.teacenter.org or via our Facebook page.