The Nordonia Freshman Experience – Class of 2024 Orientation

Welcome to Nordonia High School!

This is our Freshmen Orientation Video, full of information and answers to our most commonly asked questions!

A core value of Nordonia High School is that of community.

While achieving the goal of reopening campus amid the pandemic, daily school life will need to look somewhat different than in the past. We are committed to the mission of the school and the need to keep students and staff safe during this time of reopening. While information seems to be ever-evolving, we will remain vigilant in our approaches to student safety. However, we realize that zero risk in our world is both unrealistic and impossible.

The campus Reopening Plan includes preventative measures with which we will need everyone’s participation. If done effectively, together, these should significantly reduce the risk of virus transmission within the school, which will allow us the best opportunity to continue to meet in person for the most prolonged time. It also includes procedures we will follow if there is a specific case of COVID-19 among our school community. We need to be prepared for this likelihood, and for everyone to know in advance how it will be addressed.

This plan allows for flexibility depending on governmental recommendations and restrictions, enabling Nordonia High School to provide the continuous, mission-focused education you have come to expect. We all must realize this is a working, fluid plan that may be adjusted. The plan is not exhaustive. The virus will likely be around for some time, and we will need to be agile and willing to pivot as necessary (based on the ever-changing landscape) to reach the mission of the school.

For the past several months the Nordonia High School administrative team has been collaborating with local healthcare professionals, Summit County Health Public Department, American Association of Pediatrics (AAP), Center for Disease Control (CDC), and schools around the country to develop our plan to reunite together at school this coming fall. We have also researched and discussed best practices with highly valued schools across the country in the development of this plan.

While we cannot control the threat of COVID-19 until a vaccine is developed, we are working to minimize the risks as much as possible for the protection of our entire community. On the following pages are the three significant areas of implementation that we have taken (or will take place) to minimize the risk while striving for face-to-face mission-focused interaction:
Staying Home When Sick or After Exposure
Preventatives Steps to Reduce Transmission Risk
Cleaning Procedures

Source: Nordonia High School

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