Things To Consider During Storm Season

We’ve made it through winter and that was no small feat in the midst of quarantine. As we look forward to summer, we should consider the storms headed our way.

Things To Consider During Storm Season

The spring and summer storms gracing us with their presence also indicate the potential for disaster. In the Midwest, we don’t experience hurricanes, and earthquakes are typically rare and nearly undetectable. However, tornados and torrential downpours form a part of the warm weather months. To prepare for such weather, read about things to consider during storm season.

Evacuation Plans

Every household should establish evacuation plans in case of an emergency. Many homes have basements and cellars in the event of a tornado, but if you ever need to leave your house, your family should have a plan.

You should know a few phone numbers by heart in case you lose access to your phone’s contact list. Additionally, your family should have a plan for pets, as well as important documents and items you need to bring along.

Emergency Supplies

You should gather emergency supplies ahead of time. Consider putting together an emergency supply duffle bag you can take with you wherever you go. And if you don’t have a basement of your own in case of a tornado, you can make a plan to go somewhere safe with your bag.

Some helpful items to include are:

  • Batteries
  • Candles
  • Lamps or flashlights
  • Matches or a lighter
  • Small tool kit
  • Medications
  • Water
  • Food (non-perishable)
  • First aid supplies
  • A portable radio
  • Phone cords and backup chargers

Home Protection

Take an inventory of your personal property and secure the proper insurance policies. Additionally, you’ll want to take steps to protect areas like garages or sheds where you store yard tools and toys. Consider using landscaping materials such as mulch or shredded bark instead of gravel to protect your home from flying debris. Cut weak branches regularly and ensure that doors and windows are secure against strong winds. You should also know the difference between a French drain and a trench drain and ensure you have the proper drainage systems installed to prevent water damage to your home. Some of these seemingly simple parts of your yard and home can pose threats during a severe storm.

There are many things to consider during storm season. We usually look forward to spring and summer all winter long. Take precautionary measures to keep you, your family, and your property safe.