To Village of Northfield Council Ward C Residents of Ledge Road from Renell M. Noack

Dear Council Ward C Residents of Ledge Road:

I am providing you with an update on the upcoming construction for Ledge Road. My hopes are that you have all turned your letter in, approving the construction on a portion of your property. For those that do not sign off – you will not receive the new sidewalk; you will only receive a short driveway apron replacement that will slope into your property from the roadway. Please have your letter signed and returned within the next two weeks, if you have not done so yet.

The construction will be completed in 7 phases and will stan in April. They are:

  • Phase l : Southside of Ledge from Current End of Construction to Langston Court (2 Weeks)
  • Phase 2: Northside of Ledge from Cunent End of Construction to Lee Eaton West Side Entrance (2 Weeks)
  • Phase 3: Northside of Ledge from Lee Eaton West Side Entrance to Milford (7 Weeks)
  • Phase 4: Southside of Ledge from Langston to Milford (4 Weeks)
  • Phase 5: Ledge and Milford Intersection (3 Weeks)
  • Phase 6: Northside of Ledge from Milford to Northfield Village Entrance Sign (7 Weeks)
  • Phase 7: Southside of Ledge from Milford to Northfield Village Entrance Sign (5 Weeks)

Please note that this is subject to change, weather providing, in hopes to shorten time from April through November by 3 months. The Contractor will be requesting a change in the project scheduling to speed up the construction and cause less inconvenience to the property owners along Ledge Road. The Village will do whatever is necessary to reduce access problems to the property owners along Ledge Road during the construction.

I’m available to discuss this further, if you need me or you can reach out to our Law Director, Brad Bryan at 440-686-9000 or our Engineer, Rich Wasosky at 440-260-1555.

Renell M. Noack
The Village of Northfield Council


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