Train of Thoughts: “Last Stop”

By Susan Govern

In August of 2016 I wrote my first “Train of Thoughts” essay and asked you to come aboard, but just as a train eventually comes to the end of the line, my writing these essays has reached the last stop.

I have enjoyed sharing my thoughts, experiences and memories with those of you who have enjoyed reading them. That’s why a writer writes – to entertain and to inform others and I certainly hope I have done that here.

My husband is retired now and we are entering a new chapter in our lives. We hope to travel and see parts of this beautiful country we haven’t visited and revisit places we have loved.

Our adventurous spirit plus our love of spending time with family means I may not always write on a regular basis, but I do plan to keep writing when the mood strikes. Looking ahead I hope to find other ways to share my “Train of Thoughts” once in a while…so don’t think I’m putting away pen and paper completely.

I have a few final thoughts (for now) to share with those of you who like to read my essays. I want to say that even though I was never blessed with artistic talent, or the ability to compose and play music, my writing has helped me to find a way to be creative.

In this extremely busy world we live in, to be creative in some way seems to be more important than ever. I believe creativity is what keeps us sane in times that change – for good or bad – so quickly.

I have a friend that runs her own business. She’s been diagnosed recently with an extreme health issue. Being in charge of your own business plus health worries is very stressful, but you know what keeps her sane? She maintains a flower garden and grows grapes. She makes wine, she quilts and she’s started a new artistic hobby. You may think – WOW – if she’s got so much to handle why do all that extra stuff? Well, that extra stuff is a release – her stress is less because she enjoys her hobbies when she can. Her life isn’t perfect, but her hobbies are perfect for her.

Then there’s the Pastor at our church. Father S. loves (I mean he really loves) baseball. He’s especially a fan of the Cleveland Indians. Now being a priest in this time isn’t an easy task. He’s the only priest at a fairly good sized parish which means he has a lot of responsibilities. With a good parish staff he has help, but what works best for him to have great enjoyment in life is the game of baseball – playing the game when he can as well as watching it.

Through the years I have been blessed to know people who are very musical, people who can paint and draw, and others who find their creativity in life is by using a camera.

Take the time to think of all those interesting ways to let out your “inner artist” and you just might be surprised – not everyone has to be Picasso, Bach or write like Mark Twain.

The daughter of a good friend is a wonderful baker and a fine cook too. Her enjoyment from being creative in the kitchen has turned into a business for her, but beyond that, her excitement about what she does is inspiring. I’m sure she doesn’t even realize when she posts pictures of her creations on Facebook that she not only is making mouths water, but she may be influencing someone to try baking as a hobby.

My inspiration comes from appreciating what others have done to be creative in their writings. Poetry, short stories, novels, plays and screenplays are ways that art comes to us through the written word.

I encourage any and all of you who may read this essay – if you think about what makes you happy, what gives your life a lift and allows you to let your own artistic side show through – then make time for it and enjoy.

You may not always get a chance to share with the world (or even a small piece of the world) what you find so pleasurable, but all that matters is how your hobby makes you feel deep down inside.

And deep down inside I have enjoyed being able to share my “Train of Thoughts” with you. As I experience even more of life with a retired husband, I’m sure I will have a boxcar full of new things to write about – so be sure to keep watch – you never know when my “train” may be coming down the tracks again.

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