Twinsburg Council Discusses Land Swap with School District, New Service Garage Plans

The Twinsburg City Council convened for its caucus meeting on January 14, 2025, addressing several significant matters including a potential land swap with the school district and plans for a new service garage.

Mayor Sam Scaffide provided an update on ongoing discussions with the school board regarding a proposed land exchange. The deal would involve swapping the city-owned property behind Real Gospel Church extending to Chamberlain Trail for the Dodge property in its entirety, including the frontage from the service department offices to Rena Road. Both properties are approximately 28 acres each.

“We really need a new service garage,” Mayor Scaffide emphasized, noting that the current facility is inadequate for protecting the city’s equipment and providing proper working conditions for staff, particularly during winter operations. The mayor highlighted that expensive equipment currently sits outside year-round, leading to increased maintenance and repair costs.

To move forward with the project, the city has initiated a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for architectural services. The administration is currently assessing departmental needs to determine the facility’s size requirements. The city and school district will both conduct independent appraisals of both properties to ensure fair valuation.

Law Director Matt Vazzana suggested that rather than proceeding with a letter of intent, the council should consider passing a resolution authorizing the mayor to further explore the land swap possibility. This resolution is expected to be presented at the January 28th council meeting.

In other business, the council discussed:

  • Four ordinances concerning the establishment of TIF districts for various developments, including Anderson Materials, Old Mill Storage, Extra Lease, and Let’s Get Storage
  • A new job creation grant agreement with Formtech Inc., which plans to relocate its headquarters from Warrensville Heights to Dutton Drive, bringing 91 full-time employees by December 2028
  • An annual memorandum of understanding with Tinkers Creek Watershed
  • A rezoning request for a parcel at the southwest corner of East Road and Chamberlain Road from C2 commercial to R5 cluster residential
  • A resolution supporting the Ohio Municipal League’s challenge to AT&T’s tariff application regarding facility relocation costs

The meeting began with an executive session to discuss pending or imminent court action before addressing the regular agenda items.

The council plans to reconvene on January 28th, when several of these matters, including the proposed land swap resolution, will be further discussed.

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