Twinsburg Students Plan National Walkout Day – March 14th – By Julius Edgerson

By Julius Edgerson

In honor of the National Walkout Day on March 14th, a group of Twinsburg High School students decided to plan one. We would walk out of our classrooms at 10:13 and peacefully protest for 17 minutes in honor of every student killed during the Stoneman Douglas High School shooting in Florida on Valentine’s Day. Unfortunately, our administrators and teachers have shown no interest in this event. Some teachers have scheduled tests on that day on purpose just so students aren’t able to participate. We were told that we would all receive unexcused absences if we participated which could result in a detention or even an in-school suspension. Parents, please email the school, your child’s teachers, and our superintendent Kathi Powers. This is something our school is very dedicated to and we feel the only support we are getting is from the students ourselves.

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