Hello everyone
Since we cancelled our monthly meeting this month because of the corona virus I thought I should give everyone an update on what’s been happening:
The Nordonia Hills Garden Club received a grant from the Garden Club of Ohio
for the Longwood Manor. We’ll be working with NHGC shortly on that project and we will need Longwood Manor volunteers to help. We probably won’t start working on the plan until April and I will keep everyone updated.so members can participate
We are postponing the ghost hunt with Fierce Paranormal for the time being.
I think it best to curtail all activities at the Manor for the time being so I am also cancelling the open house the last Sunday of this month.
Hopefully we’ll get thru this soon.
Please take care and stay quarantined as much as you can.
John Cassmer, President, Longwood Manor Historical Society
PO Box 560146 Macedonia, OH 44056
cell 216-570-6211, home 330-467-1704