The staff and students of Nordonia High School will again honor those that have served our great country in the Armed Forces with a Veteran’s Day program on Monday, November 12th, beginning at 8:00 AM.  This year’s program will feature Keynote Speaker, Lieutenant Colonel Seamus P. Garrett, and bagpiper Doug Risley as well as the Nordonia High School band and choir.  All veterans as well any active duty military members and their spouse/guests from the greater Nordonia Community are asked to participate in this great event. Participants are asked to assemble in the Small Gym at the rear of the high school by 7:45 AM.  The program will end at approximately 9:00 AM with a full breakfast for the vets to follow. Please call 330-908-6098 to RSVP.
Here is a photo gallery from last year’s ceremony.
Here is the script from last year.
Here is a poem from a student that was there last year.