Vic’s Corner: Issue #3 Levy Podcast Interview with Nordonia Hills Board of Education Supt, Dr. Joe Clark

By Victor Milani

Next Tuesday May 7th, The Nordonia Hills Schools will place a 6.98 mill levy on the ballot. This will be a permanent operating levy that will garner $7 million dollars annually starting in 2020 for Nordonia Hills Schools. The additional funds will be used for district operations., increased security measures, building and facility repairs and maintenance. This will be a continuing levy, eliminating the request on the ballot in the foreseeable future for additional funds from the voters. A similar levy failed last November by 685 votes.

If the levy fails, busing, which currently costs $600,000 annually, would be eliminated for 2300 students and 35 employees jobs would be eliminated and class sizes would be larger. Due to less busing traffic would congest the streets.

Passage of the levy would mean security measures would be increased, busing would be restored to current levels, and the employees jobs that were eliminated would be re-evaluated for employment next year. Additional mental health and councilors would be added to the staff.

Supt. Joe Clark and Nordonia Hills Business Director Matt Gaugler had a few minutes to discuss the importance of this vote with Julie D’Aloiso from NordoniaHills.News.

Dr. Clark thanked the public officials from Macedonia and Northfield Village, and community leaders for the endorsement of the levy (Northfield Center and Sagamore Hills Trustees declined). Dr. Clark stated “ I am proud of our elected officials for showing courageous leadership to support Issue #3. They recognize that strong communities need strong schools. Their support of the schools indicates their commitment to Nordonia children and families. I thank them for their support. On May 7th, Nordonia will change forever in the direction it takes”.

Personally I endorse the levy for the sake of our children, and community. It’s cliché, but our children are our future. Lets provide them with all the resources we can give them so they can succeed.  Passage of this levy also maintains our housing and property values throughout Nordonia Hills. Nordonia provides education for over 3600 students daily.   If you can fiscally afford to, on May 7th lets continue to pay forward and SUPPORT OF CHILDREN.

You can hear the podcast interview with Dr. Clark and Matt Gaugler in it’s entirety below.

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