Village of Northfield Council Meeting 7-8-2020


By Julie D’Aloiso

The minutes from the last meeting were approved. See info from last meeting here.

The Village of Northfield Council meeting on 7-8-2020 was held virtually (See agenda here.)

Mayor’s Report

Mayor Jesse Nehez reported that there were some downed wires yesterday because of the storm. He talked about a small fire near Citizen’s Bank and some businesses experienced flooding. Everything was taken care of in a timely manner.  See the engineer’s report below for more information.

See video of some of the flooding and downed wires.


Jennifer mentioned in her report that the Village has received approx. $102,000 from the state of Ohio for COVID-19. They are waiting to hear about the mechanics on money they will receive from Summit County. They are still in the process of the audit.


Subject: Houghton Road Reconstruction and S.R. 8 Traffic Signals Improvements Project
Comment: The Contractor has submitted the As-built drawings and survey. All construction is complete on the project. I am waiting for the signed final pay estimates sheets to finalize the project. The project construction and engineering was completed at more than $100,000.00 below budget. I will provide a final accounting of the project costs after I receive the Contractor’s final invoice.

Subject: Russo Pizza Flooding
The Russo Pizza property and building flooded again on July 7, 2020. We know from previous studies that the upstream sewers along and across S.R. 8 are undersized. The three possible solutions to the flooding problem are to either increase the sewer sizes; provide upstream detention or to purchase the property and remove the building. Jason and I have been discussing some temporary measures to reduce the problem. The Village has $158,400 in our Sewer Fund with NEORSD which can be used for purchasing the property or for detention facilities.

Mayor Jesse Nehez stated when I asked about this, “purchasing a property would be the absolute last resort. We want to help our businesses.”

Subject: Ledge Road Phase 2 Reconstruction
Comment: The two houses on the eastside of Roosevelt Drive near Monroe Drive experience flooding during major storms. I previously did a cursory examination of the flooding problem in March 2017. At that time I indicated that the Village would correct the problem when we reconstruct Roosevelt Drive. I was on site during the heavy rainstorm on July 7, 2020 and observed the flooding of Roosevelt Drive and the basements of both houses near Monroe Drive. I believe the Village must try to correct the problem as soon as possible since it does not appear Roosevelt Drive will be rebuilt within the next year or two. I estimate the replacement of the outfall sewer from Monroe Drive to Houghton Road along with the replacement of 4 catch basins, the addition of two new catch basins and the removal of the basketball court and fencing will have a construction cost approximately $150,000.00. This can vary depending on the final design calculations.
The existing 425 feet of 18 inch diameter outfall sewer should be replaced with a 30 inch RCP storm sewer. The existing storm on July 7, 2020 was a 7 year 60 minute storm intensity. NEORSD rain gages measured 1.63 inches of rainfall in 60 minutes at Oakwood and 1.08 inches of rainfall at Macedonia.

Rich also mentioned in his report that they need more money in the storm water fund.
Businesses should be charge based on usage.


The village was approached by a property owner on Electric Blvd. They own a small parcel of property with just a garage on it next to the Pitluk Preserve. They would like to donate the property. Brad is drawing up the proper documents needed. If everything works out council will need to accept the property. The cost will be minimal.  See photo below.
All legislation passed.