Village of Northfield Council Meeting 8-28-19 (VIDEO)

Summer is over and it’s time to get back in the routine of council meetings. The first council meeting at the end of summer was all business.

See video in it’s entirety, at the end of this post.

Debbie Neri from Windstream spoke about Capital Investments Made by Windstream in the Village.  See below for the map that she handed out at the meeting. The green is the Windstream service area and the pink is where the 1Gig fiber is located.

See attached Agenda for more information.


August 28, 2019

Subject: Ledge Road Reconstruction – Phase 2 Construction
Comment: CATTS Construction has removed and replaced two sections of pavement in order to raise three valve boxes that they had buried to grade and has reseeded the area near the broken sewer pipe on the northside of Ledge Road east of Milford Drive. They have also cored the opening for the monument box at Firestone Lane. I am still waiting for them to fix the Service Department parking area and to cleanup the old treatment plant area.


S.R. 8 and Ledge Road Traffic Signal Replacement

I have approved Signal Service Company’s final invoice. The final project construction cost was $176,125.79 which is under the budgeted amount of $189,950.54. I will apply for the $106,568.00 reimbursement from Summit County after I receive a copy of the final Village check that will be sent to Signal Service Company.



Northfield Fire Station Topographic Survey for the Fire Station Architect

I have completed the fire station topographic survey and have sent a digital copy to the architect, Randall Baker.

Subject: Houghton Road Reconstruction and S.R. 8 Traffic Signals Improvement Project
Comment: All of the roadway, sidewalk and driveway pavement has been installed. The treelawn has been rough graded and the topsoil is presently being installed. Seeding should be done next week. The Victory Boulevard catch basin and storm sewer replacement is complete, except for the seeding. The additional catch basin and outlet sewer has been installed along the southside of Houghton Road near the west corporation line. The additional sidewalk replacement has been installed between the Smith Park Driveway and the beginning of the Houghton Road Reconstruction Project.

I received notice that the traffic signals poles will not be delivered until at least the end of November. The pole manufacturer had several excuses on why he is behind schedule in supplying traffic signals throughout the entire state area.

The cost of the concrete testing by Terracon is $2,940.00. I am not sure if there will be one additional invoice from them.

Subject: Rainbarrel Workshop
Comment: The Village will cohost a Rainbarrel Workshop with Summit County Soil and Water and the Tinkers Creek Watershed Group at 6:00P.M. on Wednesday, September 18, 2019 at the Northfield Village Assisted Care facility. Two members of the Service Department should be there to help the participants drill and put together the rainbarrel systems. The Service Department should also deliver the rainbarrels to the Assisted Care facility during the afternoon of September 18, 2019. The Service Department should also bring as many drills and screwdrivers that they have to share with the residents.


Houghton Road and Vorderman Road Asphalt Milling and Resurfacing

The bids were open at 1:00 P.M. on Tuesday, August 27, 2019 at the Village Hall. Jason Walters, Mayor Nehez and myself were present. My estimate for the project was $249,800.00. We received the following 5 bids:

1) Karvo Companies, Inc. $204,064.00

2) Carran Asphalt Paving, Inc. $205,171.00+

3) Kokosing Construction Company $206,729.00

4) Perrin Asphalt Company $212,690.00

5) Ronyak Paving $214,738.00

+Note: Carran had a major math error on one item on their bid which increased their official bid to over $2,000,000.00.

On the agenda tonight is a Resolution to award the contract to Karvo Companies, Inc. They would like to get the Notice to Proceed by September 16, 2019 in order to start work the first week of October 2019.

Also on the agenda tonight is a Resolution to hire Euthenics, Inc. to do the construction administration and general project inspection.


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