Village Of Northfield Fire Station Addition/Renovation – Looking For Bids

Sealed bids will be received by the Village of Northfield, 10455 Northfield Rd, Northfield, Ohio 44067 until Thursday, February 23, 2023 at 1:00 PM and will be opened and read publicly immediately following the conclusion of the bid period for furnishing the material and performing the labor for the Addition/ Renovation of the Village of Northfield Fire Station.

Cost Estimates: Base Bids – General Construction $ 3.25 Million

Bids shall be clearly labeled, sealed, and addressed to: Village of Northfield Fire Station Addition/Renovation

A pre-bid meeting will be held on Friday, February 10, 2023 at 10:00 AM at the Village of Northfield Fire Station project site located at 10271 Northfield Road, Northfield, Ohio 44067.

In accordance with Plans and Specifications prepared by BAKER BEDNAR SNYDER & ASSOCIATES, INC., Architecture-Engineering-Interior Design, 628 NILES CORTLAND ROAD SE, SUITE 201, WARREN, OHIO 44484, bids will be received for General Construction work. The Information for Bidders, Form of Proposal, Form of Contract, Plans, Specifications, Form of Bond, and other contract documents may be examined at the Village of Northfield Fire Station office or the office of the Architect. Copies of Plans, Specifications, and Proposal Blanks, together with any further information desired, may be obtained from the office of the Architect by calling 330-856-7222.

Construction Documents are available at no charge through ShareFile to all Contractors and can be secured by contacting the office of the architect. No partial sets will be issued. Each contractor, subcontractor, or supplier is responsible for all contract documents as drawn and /or specified. Bidding Contractors will only be issued addendums if registered with the office of the architect. Each bid must be accompanied by a signed notarized Non-Collusion Affidavit (attached hereto), an Affidavit in compliance with Section 3517.13 of the Ohio Revised Code, a Personal Property Tax Delinquency Affidavit, Drug and Alcohol Free Affidavit, and a Bid Guaranty and Contract Bond (per Section 153.571 ORC) in the amount of 100% of the highest aggregate amount of the base bid, plus all add alternates submitted by the bidder, or a certified check or cashier’s check equal to 10% of bid made payable to the Village of Northfield, as a guarantee that if such bid is accepted, a contract will be entered into and its performance properly secured by a bond in the aggregate amount of such bid. In the event that such bidder shall fail or refuse to enter into such a contract within sixty (60) days after being notified of the award of the contract, the security which accompanies the proposal shall be forfeited to Village of Northfield as liquidated damages.

ATTENTION OF BIDDERS IS DIRECTED TO THE LABOR PROVISIONS. This project is subject to Minimum Wages governing current State of Ohio prevailing wage rates, which are to be paid to the laborers and mechanics employed on public improvements.

The Village of Northfield reserves the right to reject any and all bids, waive informalities in bidding, and/or accept any bid deemed most favorable to the Village of Northfield, as listed in the Project Manual, by order of the Village of Northfield.

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