Ways to Live a More Sustainable Lifestyle

Sustainable living has become a popular trend in recent years, with more and more people joining the green initiative. Whether you choose to go green in a big way or want to make slightly smaller lifestyle changes, every little bit helps. Switching to a more sustainable lifestyle may seem like a large undertaking, particularly in a society that’s so focused on fast food and fast fashion. However, there are many ways to live a more sustainable lifestyle, many of which are quite simple. These will help you join the fight for environmental consciousness and do your part toward a greener future.

Grow your own food

You don’t need to become a full-blown farmer to live a more sustainable life. Even establishing a small vegetable or herb garden will help you live a more sustainable life. Large scale agricultural organizations rely heavily on fossil fuels to grow, harvest, and transport their produce. Growing your own fruits and vegetables, however, requires only a little patience and elbow grease and does not pose as great a threat to the environment at large. As your green thumb continues to grow, you may consider extending your garden to include a wider variety of fruits, flowers, vegetables, and herbs.

Always utilize eco-friendly products and practices when tending your home garden. Many fertilizers and pesticides contain chemicals that can harm the environment, so try to choose more natural options. If you intend to maintain a larger garden, you may also consider collecting rainwater in a cistern water tank, as this method consumes less energy than other water supply systems. If you do use a cistern tank to water your garden, ensure it’s properly maintained and regularly cleaned, as this will ensure better growth for your plants and will extend the tank’s lifespan.

Reduce energy use

Excessive energy usage is an environmental concern that’s frequently overlooked, even though it affects almost everyone. Luckily, there are many ways you can reduce your individual energy usage every day. Unplugging appliances that aren’t in use, turning off lights when you leave a room, and adjusting your thermostat by one or two degrees may seem simple and inconsequential; however, these actions can significantly impact your daily energy usage. Replacing your home’s appliances with more energy-efficient models can also help reduce your energy usage. When replacing appliances, try to choose models with an EnergyStar certification. These products are specifically designed to utilize less energy without sacrificing functionality.

Practice mindful shopping

It’s often difficult to remain environmentally conscious amid a particularly successful shopping spree. Luckily, there are some ways you can practice sustainable shopping without altering your schedule too much. Start by shopping at local businesses and farmer’s markets. These products tend to be handmade or homegrown and are therefore much more ethical and sustainable than items produced by larger companies.

Limiting your shopping list to only the items that you need can also help you live a more sustainable lifestyle and will reduce the amount of waste you produce. Reading the labels of items prior to purchase is also a good way to practice mindful shopping. This ensures that you are not purchasing products with potentially harmful materials and that you support companies that maintain ethical and sustainable business practices.

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