Welcome Class of 2024

We would like to officially welcome your family to ours! We’re glad you are a part of NHS. Whether you choose the online or in-person option this Fall, you are a part of Nordonia High School’s tradition of learning, community, and excellence.

We are busy planning for the 2020-2021 school year and you will receive plenty of information in the coming weeks. Today, we’d like to welcome you, introduce ourselves, and let you know the ways in which you can expect us to communicate.

NHS Team Introductions

Our administrative team is in the office Monday – Friday from 8 a.m. – 3 p.m.

Casey Wright is the Principal. His contact is 330-908-6018 or casey.wright@nordoniaschools.org.

Students with the last names A – I are assigned to Associate Principal Jessica Archer. Her contact is 330-908-6014 or jessica.archer@nordoniaschools.org.

Students with the last names J – R are assigned to Associate Principal Anthony Buckler. His contact is 330-908-6015 or anthony.buckler@nordoniaschools.org.

Students with the last names S – Z are assigned to Dean of Students Jeffery Fox. His contact is 330-908-6123 or jeffery.fox@nordoniaschools.org.

Associate Principals and the Dean of Students will work closely with you over the next four years to develop a individual relationship with your student and family. They are essential members of your support team at NHS.

Our guidance team also works very hard to meet every need you may have. Your 9th Grade counselor is Laura Zinke. She is not yet back in the office daily, but does periodically check her email. Her email is laura.zinke@nordoniaschools.org. If you have a schedule question or need a schedule change, please email her.


We communicate often and in the following ways:

All call emails and phone messages that go to parents (like this one!). Please make sure your phone number and email address is up to date!

Nordonia High School Facebook Page – we post copies of all-call emails, student emails, reminders, and pictures to this page! Please like, follow, and share our posts!

Student emails – every NHS student has a gmail account. This is a major form of communication used in our building.
Students should set this account up on their phone or chromebook and check it daily when school is in session.

Nordonia High School Website

Knight Notes – monthly newsletter sent via email

Twitter – @CaseyGWright, @JessyArcher, @AnthonyBuckler, @MsZinkeNHS

We look forward to getting to know you and working with you over the next four years. If you need anything at all, please contact us!

Thank you and Goooooooooo Knights!

-Your NHS Team

Source: Nordonia High School Facebook

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