Why Does My Air Filter Get Dirty so Fast?

Why Does My Air Filter Get Dirty so Fast?

You head to the basement to make your scheduled furnace filter change only to notice that it’s nearly as black as coal. Or maybe you’ve noticed that you’re sneezing a little more often, and you venture down ahead of schedule to notice that the filter is already full. Either way, you’re seemingly going through filters like Kleenex and asking the question, “Why does my air filter get dirty so fast?” Here are the top reasons you’re switching them out so soon.

Summertime, and the Breathin’ Ain’t Easy

In many climates, your furnace filter may work harder when the furnace is off than when it’s on. Warmer weather, open windows, and air conditioning units bring additional pollutants into the home—primarily mold spores and grass or tree pollens. A well-performing filter captures these particles in high volumes, filling it to capacity sooner and reducing the filter’s lifespan. This may mean more frequent filter replacements in summer.

Constant Cooling

Speaking of summer, thermometer-shattering mercury levels can have you reaching for the thermostat. But even when the temperatures are so high that you can barely think straight, pay close attention to what you do with those knobs and switches. Turning the AC from “off” to “on” means continuous action for the system, and when air passes through the filter constantly, the filter must work harder. Sure, you’re staying cool, but your filter gets filthy and will require replacement. Worse yet, that nonstop action will send your electric bills through the roof. Consider the “auto” setting instead, which regulates temperature with intermittent cooling cycles.

Leaks in the Ductwork

Within the walls and out of sight, the ducts of your HVAC system take some circuitous paths. Along the way, they pass through neglected spots like cellars, attics, and spaces between walls—all places where dust can accumulate. When there’s a breach in the ducts, that dust finds its way into the system and into your filter, which catches these big tufts at the expense of continued performance.

Man’s Best Friend, HVAC’s Worst Enemy

Do you have cats or dogs? Sharing your home with your animal companions may be the reason why your air filter gets dirty so fast. Pets who shed don’t just cause allergies for sensitive individuals—their hair and dander accumulate in the HVAC system, only to land in a hardworking filter. You don’t have to put your beloved pets out on the street over this issue, but do consider the fact that their shedding will mean more frequent filter replacements over time.