Board Openings – Friends of Nordonia Hills Branch Library

The Friends of Nordonia Hills Branch Library will have three open board positions this January. The Friends of the Library are an integral part of the work we do at the Library. They provide funding for library programs, like concerts, lectures, craft programs, story times and our Mind, Body & Sole summer reading program, among others. They also provide equipment, furnishings, toys and other items that beautify our branch and enhance the service we provide. In addition to supporting Library programming and initiatives, they provide support to the greater community by giving in the form of local scholarships, support for community events and regular donations to community organizations.

If you are looking for a meaningful volunteer position with a big impact, please consider one of the following:

FOL Board Executive Officer – Vice President

The Vice President shall perform all duties of the President in his/her absence or disability, and shall chair one standing committee.

Term: The executive board officers shall serve two-year terms.  The Secretary and Vice President shall be elected in even-number years.  The two-year term of board members begins immediately after the adjournment of the meeting at which they were elected and continues until their successors are elected.

FOL Committee Chair – Book Sales

The Book Sales Chair is responsible for the overall coordination of the two annual FOL book sales.  Duties include: coordinating volunteers, advertising (putting out signs), rooms setup the week of, working the sale, tear down after the sale, disposal of leftover books. This position is busy for the months of March and August and is quiet the rest of the year. This chair reports to the Vice President.

FOL Committee Chair – Amazon Sales

The Amazon Sales Chair is responsible for our ongoing book sales on our Amazon store. Duties include: coordinating volunteers, scanning incoming donations, listing items for sale, taking items to storage, reviewing daily sales, retrieving items, packing up items for shipment and taking them to the post office. This position is busy for several hours during the day, 2 or 3 days a week and takes place at the library.  This chair reports to the Vice President.

If you are interested or would like additional information, please email

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