Macedonia City Council Candidate Bio: Rita Darrow

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About Rita:

I’m a past President and Member of Macedonia City Council. I’ve been involved in community service in Macedonia and Summit County for nearly two decades. Currently, I work part-time handling property management duties for a local real estate developer. Prior to that I was a freight broker for a local logistics firm.

I’m the proud mother of two wonderful children, both are Nordonia High School alumni and both attend Bowling Green State University. Brooke is a junior in pre-law, majoring in Criminal Justice, while Luke is a freshman studying Marine Biology.

What are the most pressing problems in Macedonia/What will you focus on ?

1. Now that residential development is mature we are experiencing significant stormwater issuesflooding of our neighborhoods, our streets and even individual homes. We need a comprehensive plan to deal with the many basins and culverts that have been neglected for years. During my last term in office we developed a roads plan that is now being executed. We need to take this same approach with our stormwater problems-develop a game plan and manage the issue, taking advantage of the skills and resources of our County, the funding D.O.E.S. has set aside for us (from the new stormwater fees), and using our service department as a resource to execute maintenance and corrective work.

2. We need to do a comprehensive review of the needs of our safety forces so we can provide the necessary equipment and skills that will enable them to perform their duties as effectively as possible.

3. Our recreation center and parks are the gems of our community. We need changes that will deliver their true value to our residents. We need programs, activities and events that will attract ALL of our residents, young and old. Our parks need to better meet the needs of our young families while the recreation center should be changed to incorporate a senior center. Another thing to consider might be half year memberships.

4. We need to establish a recovery resource program for families impacted by the current opioid epidemic-education, outreach, meetings and resource referral.

Rita Darrow, Candidate for Macedonia Council
9450 Woodview Drive
Macedonia, Ohio 44056

All candidates are encouraged to submit Bio’s. See related article.

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Julie D'Aloiso
Julie D'Aloiso
Owner of SpiderCat Marketing, Station Manager at NEO Community Radio, and content manager for NordoniaHills.News

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