3 Signs You Need To Filter Your Home’s Water

Clean water flowing through our taps and appliances makes modern life convenient. But problems with your water have negative consequences, including plumbing problems and even illness. A water filtration system can possibly solve your problems. Learn about three signs you need to filter your home’s water.

1. Bad Taste

Your water might taste chlorinated from chemical treatments or metallic from the presence of iron. Bacteria is another common type of drinking water contaminant, and it can give your water a musty flavor. This may cause you to refuse to drink water from your home’s tap because it tastes off. However, installing a water filter can give you refreshing water straight from the tap. Get your water tested to find the right type of filtration system for your home.

2. Discolored Laundry

Another common sign that you need to filter your home’s water is that your laundry looks discolored after a wash. Contaminants in your water can dull the bright colors of your fabrics or turn your whites a dingy gray color.

Limescale, which is caused by a buildup of hard minerals in your water, can cause these changes. The chemical reaction between the washing machine water and the detergent can also make the detergent less effective. So your clothes don’t just become discolored—they’re not as clean, either.

3. Unreliable Water Temperatures

Interestingly, unreliable water temperatures can indicate that you need to get a water treatment. Several things can affect your water heater, but hard water full of excess minerals is one common cause. The hard water can leave deposits of sediment in your water heater, making it harder for the heating element to work and making the heater less efficient.

You may also experience unreliable water temperatures due to mineral buildup in the pipes. When hot water can’t flow properly through the pipes, you’ll get an uneven temperature. If hard water is giving you unreliable hot water, filtering out the minerals with a filtration system will help.

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