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From NCT Trustee Paul Buescher – The Election – This Newsletter – Leaf & Branch Pickup



#513  TUESDAY  NOVEMBER 14, 2017



The majority no longer matters because the minority are the ones who actually voted!” 


It’s been a week since Election Day and this is the first opportunity that I have had to comment about the results.  

First, the actual “unofficial” results: 

Russ Mazzola  815

Paul Buescher  718

Marc Pepera     715

John Romanik   668 

Obviously Russ Mazzola is the uncontested winner but there is only a three (3) vote difference between me and Marc Pepera.  The results will not become official until November 28th and due to the small difference, there will probably be a recount.  That’s where we stand at this time. 

Although I cannot speak for everyone, I can certainly take this opportunity to first THANK all of our supporters who took the time to actually exercise their right and duty to vote last Tuesday.  For those 2,584 who chose to sit out this election, all I can say is, what was your excuse? 

There are 4,154 registered voters in Northfield Center Township yet only 1,570 (37.79%) actually voted.  The system provides many opportunities for people to vote, including early voting and absentee voting, so what kind of excuses can the 2,584 (62.21%) who chose not to vote come up with? 

The following is a synopsis of Tuesday’s election: 

                        REGISTERED   BALLOTS          TURNOUT         REGISTERED VOTERS


        A                     946                289                 30.55%                 657

        B                     801                354                 44.19%                 447

        C                     754                308                 40.85%                 446

        D                     822                310                 37.71%                 512

        E                     831                309                 37.18%                 522 

 TOTALS               4,154             1,570              37.79%                2,584 

I know firsthand how hard all four candidates worked during the campaign to garner each and every single vote.  That’s what candidates do during their campaigns.  It’s a very grueling ‘job.’ We had differing opinions on many issues and vigorously debated with each other.  However, we still belong to a small fraternity of individuals willing to expose ourselves to a loss of privacy and public scrutiny.  We all gave 100% of ourselves in this campaign yet for all that hard work and dedication, we only received a 37.79% return from the people!  

I am sure that there will be those out there who will say that the statistics are the same all over but I am not talking about all over, I’m talking about right here in Northfield Center!  And here is something interesting that I’ve discovered during my past twelve years as a Trustee – Many of those who complain the most and the loudest about various issues are either non-voters, no shows, or those who just vote in the Presidential elections!  

Elections are supposed to project a clear indication of what the people want for the future.  This election showed that the MINORITY of voters wanted change but what does the MAJORITY want?  Well, the majority no longer matters because the minority are the ones who actually voted!


I began publishing this newsletter shortly after I was first elected back in 2005.  I started out with only 60 readers and today I have over 950 on my mailing list.  Out of that 950, there are about 900 actual residents with the remaining 50 being news media, residents in surrounding communities and those who have moved but wanted to keep in touch with their hometown.  I always assumed that those 900 residents were ones who were truly interested in their community and were those most likely to vote on Election Day. I also assumed that those 900 actually represented about 1800 considering that at least two family members were readers.  If those assumptions were true then there would have been many more than the dismal showing of only 1,570 votes cast last Tuesday. 

The very idea and basis for this newsletter has been to keep folks informed and educated on issues and to promote involvement in our community.  It has taken a great amount of effort to keep it going and it has taken a personal toll on me for exposing myself to the public scrutiny that I have endured.  Expecting and accepting this scrutiny comes with the job but what is not acceptable is such a low return for the effort.  

I guess I should’ve seen this over the years due to the low number of responses that I received whenever I conducted polls on important issues.  Think about it, I can’t even get most folks to answer a poll when the biggest complaint about government is that government doesn’t listen to the people!  I’ve even gone on the public record as stating that I would conduct an unofficial vote on the upcoming County storm water program that will involve the collection of monthly fees from every homeowner and business in our Township.  Why should I do something like that when over 62% of the residents won’t even participate in an OFFICIAL election?  It would clearly be a wasted effort. 

If I prevail in the official election results then I will be making some decisions on the future of this newsletter.  I could consider leaving it somewhat the same or ending it or something in between.  My mind is not yet made up and I would certainly welcome and consider your comments and suggestions.


The Service Department is continuing to pick up branches, limbs and logs to help with the storm cleanup, as long as you can get them to the edge of the roadway. 

Place the limbs with the thicker end pointing towards the street and do not place them into one pile. It becomes a tangled mess and difficult to take apart and chip. There will be multiple rounds on each road as needed. 

The crews are running into a few problems that are causing them to skip some homes.  This is due to residents mixing branches with leaves and/or piling branches into large piles.  Leaves and branches MUST BE KEPT SEPARATE and branches should be put into small piles.  And please, do not cut branches and limbs into shorter sections because this causes extra work for the crews. 

This project might impact the leaf pick up for a few weeks but we will continue to keep you updated via the Town Square digital sign, Facebook, the NCT web site, Cable 1023 (formerly Cable 16), and the Town Hall voicemail greeting. 

PLEASE BE EXTRA CAREFUL WHEN DRIVING PAST OUR WORKERS. They will be wearing noise cancelling headsets because of the chipper. 

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please contact the Town Hall either at (330) 467.7646 ext. 5, email: , or fax (330) 650.0815



The Board of Trustees will conduct a Public Hearing THIS THURSDAY at 7PM at the Townhall where representatives from the County Engineer’s Office will be the guest speakers.  Information will be presented on the Engineer’s pending storm water management program.  The proposal involves possible fees being levied on all homeowners and business owners for the purpose of addressing storm water issues within our Township.  The public is invited and will be encouraged to ask questions!


Thank you, 

Paul G. Buescher

Northfield Center Twp. Trustee – Chairman



Paul Buescher
Paul Buescher
Northfield Center Trustee

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