Longwood Manor Historical Society Meeting Minutes October 27, 2020


PRESENT: John Cassmer, Dorothy Berman, Leslie Berman,  Deb Mikulski, Bob Thomas, Kathy Thomas

Meeting opened at 6:35 PM by President, John Cassmer.

NEW ACQUISITION: Kathy and Bob Thomas presented to the LMHS two pictures they had from before the Manor was closed and renovated.  After the meeting they had the opportunity to tour the first floor and see the work that had been accomplished.  Kathy was impressed with what has been done.

MINUTES of the September 22, 2020, meeting were approved.  Motioned by Deb, seconded by Les.

TREASURER’S REPORT was distributed and reviewed by John. Funds available including checking account and cash on hand $3232.97.  Motion to accept made by Kathy, seconded by Bob and passed.

VICE PRESIDENT REPORT – Deb talked about the craft fair and information will be included in the business report of the meeting.

VICE PRESIDENT REPORT – John L  will be taking the lawn mower home for preventative maintenance and will be storing over the winter.

No further business:  Motion to adjourn made by Les, seconded by Deb and passed.

Meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM.  Next meeting January 26, 2021, possibly.  No November or December meetings.

Dorothy Berman, secretary

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