Ohio Free Summer Food Service

From the Superintendent of Nordonia Hills City Schools,

Dear Nordonia Families,

The Ohio Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) is a federally-funded program that provides free, healthy meals and snacks to children in low-income areas during the summer months when school is not in session. The program is designed to ensure that children who rely on free or reduced-price meals during the school year continue to receive nutritious food during the summer break. The Ohio SFSP is administered by the Ohio Department of Education and operates through approved sponsors, such as schools, local government agencies, and nonprofit organizations. These sponsors serve meals and snacks to eligible children at various sites, such as schools, community centers, parks, and libraries.

To be eligible for the program, a site must be located in a low-income area, and at least 50% of the children in the area must be eligible for free or reduced-price school meals. Children who are 18 years old or younger, and who meet the income eligibility guidelines for free or reduced-price school meals, are eligible to receive meals through the program. The Ohio SFSP not only helps to alleviate hunger and improve the nutrition of low-income children but also provides a safe and supervised environment for them during the summer months.

Please see the attached flyer and feel free to share it with any families you know who may have students in schools outside of Nordonia.

Ohio Summer Food Service Program

As always, thank you for your continued support of the Nordonia Schools, and Go, Knights!


Joe Clark, Ph.D.


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