America’s Squeakiest Trend: DIY Car Washes Are On The Rise


Washing your car was once a chore dreaded by people from all walks of life. Now, it’s the coolest thing since InstaCart! DIY car washes are on the rise. Here’s why:

  • No PPE required! Most of Ohio is sick and tired of wearing PPE. Washing your car is a great way to cool off this summer comfortably. 
  • Your car gets cleaner.  No one cares more about your car than you. You’d be surprised what good a 30 minute trip to Advanced Auto will do for your car 
  • You can wash on YOUR schedule. Your local car wash 9 times out of 10 has a set hours of operation schedule. If you want to wash your car at 3 in the morning, you have the luxury of doing so. 
  • No large annoying crowds and lines. As I said before, you can wash on your schedule. Waiting in the heat can suck! 
  • It’s Free!!!! That’s the most important thing, right? Choosing the quality and price of your car products=Unlimited quality car washes year-round with extra money in your pocket.