JC Sullivan

American and Government Test Winners

Nordonia Hills American Legion Post 801 and the Ladies Auxiliary Chapter 801 recently sponsored the Americanism and Government Test at Nordonia High School. The...

A Book Review by JC Sullivan: WE’VE NUTHIN’ ELSE TO DO by Thomas M.F. Downes

‘Colonel’ Downes is a Civil War Reenactor for the Hibernian Guards, Co. B, 8th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, a unit from Cleveland that fought in...

ATHENRY by Cahal Dunne A book review by JC Sullivan

Readers who are familiar with the song The Fields of Athenry can rightly imagine Cahal Dunne’s historical novel during Ireland’s famine years. The  medieval...

Through Sullivan’s Eye: A Cleveland Story

Until recent years we had a novelty store on Coventry Rd. It was stocked with the kind of stuff that teenagers back in the...

Through Sullivan’s Eye – Mocking the Faithful

The Ohio Irish American News (OIAN) serves subscribers in Ohio, most of whom we can assume are Irish Americans. One of their columnists is...

Liberty Row Oaks by JC Sullivan

by JC Sullivan Dedicated in 1919, it was ‘A living Memorial to World War I Soldiers’. The Liberty Row Oaks originally ran along a nine-mile...