Joe Clark

Nordonia Spirit Wear Sale

From the Superintendent of Nordonia Hills City Schools, Dear Nordonia Families, The Nordonia High School football parent club and pep club are holding their annual spirit...

Nordonia BOE Hires New Treasurer/CFO

From the Superintendent of Nordonia Hills City Schools, Dear Nordonia Families and Community, Please see the attached press release regarding the district's new Treasurer/CFO. Mr....

Ohio Free Summer Food Service

From the Superintendent of Nordonia Hills City Schools, Dear Nordonia Families, The Ohio Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) is a federally-funded program that provides free, healthy...

Nordonia 2023-24 School Calendar Revised

From the Superintendent of Nordonia Hills City Schools, Dear Nordonia Families, Last night the Board adopted a revised school calendar for the 2023-24 school year, which...

Nordonia Volunteers Needed for Earth Day

From the Superintendent of Nordonia Hills City Schools, Dear Nordonia Families, Nordonia High School student Mimi Hover has once again taken the initiative to organize...

Update To The Nordonia’s Teacher Investigation

From the Superintendent of Nordonia Hills City Schools, Dear Nordonia Band Families, Good afternoon. We want to begin by emphasizing that we remain fully committed to...