Nordonia 2023-24 School Calendar Revised

From the Superintendent of Nordonia Hills City Schools,

Dear Nordonia Families,

Last night the Board adopted a revised school calendar for the 2023-24 school year, which is attached. There are two significant changes.

1. A total eclipse of the sun is scheduled to happen directly over NE Ohio right around dismissal time on April 8. Experts are predicting millions of visitors to our area that day, causing gridlock. For that reason, the teacher in-service day originally scheduled for April 29, 2024, has been changed to April 8, 2024.

2. Currently the presidential primary election is scheduled for March 19, 2024, which we have set as a no-school day for students and an in-service day for staff. However, Ohio HB21 has been introduced, which would require the presidential primary election to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May (May 7, 2024). The revised calendar provides us the flexibility to determine which day we will use as a teacher in-service, no-school day for students, based on whatever the law ends up being.

2023-24 Calendar Revised Eclipse

As always, thanks for your continued support of the Nordonia Schools, and Go, Knights!


Joe Clark, Ph.D.


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