Nicole Rapp

Agapé Word and Worship Center Providing for The Needs of Others Via Book Sales by Pastor Shirley A. Greenslade

Sharing His love, reaching the lost, teaching the saved, and helping people with spiritual, physical and material needs. The Word and Worship center is providing...

After-Prom Committee Thanks Local Businesses for Contributions to “A Knight Out West”

The After-Prom Committee consisting of numerous parent volunteers, recently helped transform Nordonia High School into “A Knight Out West” for the 295 graduating senior...

Pickleball Offered Locally Pickleball is played at the Macedonia YMCA located at 8761 Shepard Road. All ages and genders are welcome and all skill levels. There are...

NHS Boys Varsity Volleyball Earns 7th Seed in State Tournament

Even though the Nordonia Boys Varsity Volleyball team lost to Stow-Monroe Falls High School Wednesday night 3-0, they are celebrating their 7th seed entry...

No Green Thumb Needed

No Green Thumb? No problem. Bring the spring inside your home with these helpful tips. Pull out that antique milk jug, or large decorative...

Making the World a Better Place One Cookie Box at a Time-Troop 91150

By selling one cookie box at a time, the Girl Scouts build a better world. That’s not all the Girl Scouts do! Through volunteering...