Tim Troglen

Police Blotters: Asleep At The Wheel With Loaded Gun and Chicken Man Gets Banned

Police reports are samples of blotter items and not intended to be all-inclusive. Improper Handling of Firearm Motor Vehicle/ Using Weapons while Intoxicated/OVI Man arrested...

District Launches Search For A New Treasurer

The Nordonia Hills Board of Education launched a search last week to replace Matt Brown who will be leaving in July. “The search...

Teacher Investigated For Using ‘N-Word’ In Lesson

A Nordonia High School band teacher has been relieved of duties for using the “N-word” as part of a “lesson context” to students, according...

Nordonia Hills Treasurer Matt Brown Stepping Down

Nordonia Hills Treasurer Matt Brown could be taking over the books at Beachwood City Sin August. The Beachwood Board of Education will vote on...

Northfield Center Trustee Meeting: Old Town Hall Levy Recommended

While Northfield Center trustees have not yet decided what to do with the old Town Hall, a committee entrusted with exploring potential future uses...

Township Conditionally Approves Site Plan For Senior Housing (Audio and Photo Gallery)

Sagamore Hills Township officials conditionally approved the final site plans for the 101-unit Parkview Senior Living subdivision at the February 27 planning meeting. The six...