Tim Troglen

Police Blotter: No License And Drug Paraphernalia Earn A Ticket To Ride – To Jail 

Police reports are a sampling of blotter items available and are not intended to be all-inclusive. Drug paraphernalia possession/operator license required/driving while under suspension/driving under...

Board Takes First Step Toward New Levy, 5-year Forecast Shows Future Deficit 

The Board took the initial steps on November 20th by placing a possible levy on the March 19 ballot. The Board voted 4 to 1...

Cannabis Question Raised, Police Promotions, Force Beefed Up And Santa’s Area Schedule

A Briarwood Road resident reached out to Council members two days after Ohio voters legalized marijuana and requested that growing facilities and dispensaries be...

Northfield Village Collecting Donations For Shop With A Cop

Police are in hot pursuit of donations for next month’s annual Shop with a Cop pre- Christmas gift event. “This year we are going to...

Police Blotter: Police Investigate Vehicle Break-Ins And Stolen Electronics

Police reports are a sampling of blotter items available and are not intended to be all-inclusive. Theft From Vehicle/Vehicular Vandalism  Woman loses more than $5,000 after...

Incumbents Hold Seats In All Nordonia Hills Area Races, Cannabis Legalized And Women’s Reproductive Rights Established

Incumbents were either re-elected or unopposed in a variety of Nordonia Hills area elections. Several local Issues were also on the ballots as well as...