Category: Communities

From NCT Trustee Paul Buescher – April 27 2018 Newsletter

YOUR INFORMATION NEWSLETTER FROM NORTHFIELD CENTER TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE PAUL G. BUESCHER ~ KEEPING NCT RESIDENTS INFORMED SINCE 2005 ~ _________________________________________________ #529  FRIDAY APRIL 27, 2018 _________________________________________________ OLDE EIGHT ROAD CLOSING...

PODCAST: Kevin Bilkie from the City of Macedonia Council talks about the May 8th Levy

Kevin sat down with Julie D'Aloiso. Victor was not able to make it for this podcast but provided the questions. Click the GREEN ARROW to...

Northfield Village Council Meeting 4-11-18 (VIDEO)

Meeting highlights: Courtney Pratt was sworn in as a part time police officer. Anita Swenson presented Officer Paul Gramlich with a t-shirt. She was one of...

Notify City of Macedonia About Potholes

If you have a pothole that needs to be filled, call the service department. Do not post on social media. If it is after...

From NCT Trustee Paul Buescher – Mar 28 2018 NewsLetter

YOUR INFORMATION NEWSLETTER FROM NORTHFIELD CENTER TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE PAUL G. BUESCHER ~ KEEPING NCT RESIDENTS INFORMED SINCE 2005 ~ _________________________________________________ #528  WEDNESDAY  MARCH 28, 2018 _________________________________________________   NEIGHBORHOOD WATCH ACADEMY On behalf of Sheriff Barry, you...

Village of Northfield Easter Egg Hunt 2018 (Photos and Video)

2000 colorful eggs full of candy disappeared in a matter of minutes! Farm animals were on hand for the children to pet and the Easter...

To Village of Northfield Council Ward C Residents of Ledge Road from Renell M. Noack

Dear Council Ward C Residents of Ledge Road: I am providing you with an update on the upcoming construction for Ledge Road. My hopes are...

Northfield Village McDonald’s Restoration Started Today

The drive-thru is shut down during the beginning of this process but the dining room will remain open. The drive-thru should re-open on 3/22...

PODCAST: Kevin Bilkie – City of Macedonia Councilman

Kevin Bilkie from the City of Macedonia City Council talks with Victor Milani and Julie D'Aloiso about where he came from, how he got...

The Tale of the Two Northfields

Did you want to view this article ad free? Get access to this article and unlimited access to all our articles Click here to read...

Jan Tulley Resigns as Macedonia Council Member | Marijuana Ordinance Partially Passes

During Thursday night's meeting, the City Council of Macedonia made significant decisions regarding adult-use marijuana businesses in the city. After discussion, the council approved...

Deadline Looms: City of Macedonia Council, Votes on Adult-Use Marijuana Regulations

The City Council of Macedonia, Ohio, faces a pressing decision as it meets on December 12, at Macedonia City Hall, to discuss an ordinance...

Shots fired at “Summerfest”

PRESS RELEASE At the end of the City of Macedonia’s “Summerfest” weekend celebrations, several  shots were confirmed to be fired by an individual in attendance....