Category: Communities

Macedonia officially moves to the big screen – “The Dollhouse” at the Longwood Manor with the official scoop from Hollywood Director, Russell Emanuel

BY: Felicia Naoum “We want to put Macedonia, Ohio on the map for the whole world to see.  To show what the town has to...

2nd Annual Pet Daze Celebration (Photo Gallery)

For more information about Pawsitively Savvy go to their website: Photos by Gary Miller

City of Macedonia Police Reports’ Statistics for July 18 – July 24 2016

We obtained the police reports from the City of Macedonia Police Department. Here is the summarized data, created in a graphical representation of the...

Northfield Park to Host Summit County Fair Races on Saturday

This Saturday (July 30) Northfield Park hosts the 2016 Summit County Fair Stakes.  Buckeye-bred youngsters will compete for approximately $115,000 in total purses over...

From: Fire District 27 Firefighters’ Association

To all the residents of Sagamore Hills and participants of our popular and successful residential lock box program, we would like to start by...

EPON Golf Demo at Windmill Golf Center

Established as a subsidiary in 1977, EPON Golf Co. was formed and the EPON brand was introduced to showcase the manufacturing expertise of ENDO,...

Macedonia Planning Meeting 7-18-16 (Complete Video)

Here’s the complete video from the Macedonia Planning Meeting from July 18th. Click here to view the Agenda for the meeting.

$2,492.25 Carryover Sparks $10,000 Guaranteed Pick-5 Total Pool Saturday at Northfield Park

Northfield Park is announcing the addition of a $10,000 Pick-5 total pool guarantee to Saturday’s (July 23rd) program. Beginning in Race 3, the $10,000 Pick-5...

Northfield Center – Licensed Solicitors

The attached file contains licenses issued by the Summit County Office of Consumer Affairs for soliciting in Bath, Northfield Center, and Richfield Townships until...

City of Macedonia Police Reports’ Statistics for July 5 – July 18 2016

We obtained the police reports from the City of Macedonia Police Department. Here is the summarized data, created in a graphical representation of the...

Movie in the Park – Zootopia

Come and enjoy a Fun Free Family Event at Longwood Park on August 5th. The movie showing that night is Zootopia.

The Tale of the Two Northfields

Did you want to view this article ad free? Get access to this article and unlimited access to all our articles Click here to read...

Jan Tulley Resigns as Macedonia Council Member | Marijuana Ordinance Partially Passes

During Thursday night's meeting, the City Council of Macedonia made significant decisions regarding adult-use marijuana businesses in the city. After discussion, the council approved...

Deadline Looms: City of Macedonia Council, Votes on Adult-Use Marijuana Regulations

The City Council of Macedonia, Ohio, faces a pressing decision as it meets on December 12, at Macedonia City Hall, to discuss an ordinance...

Shots fired at “Summerfest”

PRESS RELEASE At the end of the City of Macedonia’s “Summerfest” weekend celebrations, several  shots were confirmed to be fired by an individual in attendance....