Category: Communities

Help Keep Our Children Safe!!

If you are in a car waiting for school bus, please do not park at the intersection, especially in winter weather conditions that require...

Huntington Bank Robbery Macedonia

From the Macedonia Police Department On January 8, 2016 at 6:39pm, units from the Macedonia Police Department responded to a bank robbery at Huntington National...

From the Macedonia City Police Department – Do not call the police department when you lose service

Friday our phone lines were jammed with inquiries about the power outage. It was extremely difficult to perform our regular duties with the volume...

Ledge Road Bridge is now OPEN

After months of being closed (actually open and closed - open and closed - open and closed), the ledge road bridge is now open! This...

The Newsletter of Northfield Center Township Trustee Paul G. Buescher – Brent Sommer Resigning

TRUSTEE BUESCHER@AOL.COM THE OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF NORTHFIELD CENTER TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE PAUL G. BUESCHER ~ KEEPING NCT RESIDENTS INFORMED SINCE 2005 ~ _________________________________________________ #437    Monday  December 14, 2015 _________________________________________________ PROPOSED MEIJER STORE UPDATE The Zoning Commission...

Northfield Center Expansion

Michigan based Meijer Superstore looking to expand to Northfield Center. By Victor Milani, Meijer Superstore is looking for a change of zoning approval to build a...

Sagamore Hills Emergency to change to Express Care Clinic

On November 10, 2015, the Clevland Clinic announced that on December 1, 2015 the Sagamore Hills Emergency Department located at 863 West Aurora Road...

The Tale of the Two Northfields

Did you want to view this article ad free? Get access to this article and unlimited access to all our articles Click here to read...

Jan Tulley Resigns as Macedonia Council Member | Marijuana Ordinance Partially Passes

During Thursday night's meeting, the City Council of Macedonia made significant decisions regarding adult-use marijuana businesses in the city. After discussion, the council approved...

Deadline Looms: City of Macedonia Council, Votes on Adult-Use Marijuana Regulations

The City Council of Macedonia, Ohio, faces a pressing decision as it meets on December 12, at Macedonia City Hall, to discuss an ordinance...

Shots fired at “Summerfest”

PRESS RELEASE At the end of the City of Macedonia’s “Summerfest” weekend celebrations, several  shots were confirmed to be fired by an individual in attendance....