Category: Community

Faith Fellowship Fall Family Fun Fest! (VIDEO)  

Judgement House 2019 by Deserea Reville

By Deserea Reville While sitting in church a few weeks ago, Pastor Jeff Schofield, of Hope Community Church, was talking about the time people take...

The Northfield Macedonia Post Office is having Breast Cancer Awareness Month all of October

On Friday employees will be wearing pink tee shirt and have light refreshments in the lobby for customers. When you buy Breast Cancer Stamps...

Macedonia Safety Day October 5th 2019 (Photo Gallery and Video)

Home Depot would like to that the Companies that donated: Reinecker Bakery, Stan's Bakery, Culver's, Chick-fil-A, Penn Station, Jersey Mike's and Romeos Pizza.

A few items from the Nordonia Hills Rotary Community Service Committee

1. We had a great day at the Macedonia Senior Center today, serving 100 tasty pork chops to some grateful citizens. Thanks to all...

Parade Committee Looking For Suggestions

Help improve Your Nordonia Hills Community Memorial Day Parade Become involved Share your ideas Participate in the parade Your ideas and suggestions are important for...

How to help the people in need locally

For the month of October there are many events happening in town that will benefit the Emergency Assistance Center. The Nordonia Rotary will be...

Northfield VFW Post 6768 Candlelight Vigil 9-11

Northfield VFW Post 6768 will be hosting a candlelight vigil 7:30 PM to honor those lost on September 11th. Public is encouraged to attend....

Nordonia kNight 5K and 1 Mile Kids Fun Run: The Start of a New Path Towards Better Mental and Physical Health Nordonia Hills School District held its first Annual Nordonia kNight 5K and 1 Mile Kids Fun Run. The event benefited the Nordonia Schools Health and Wellness...

Park Ledge Neighborhood Picnic at Sugarbush Park (Photos)

Thanks to Lynn Hermensky for sending the pics!

St. Barnabas Villa Receives 2019 Beautification Award

St. Barnabas Villa has received the fifth annual Nordonia Hills Garden Club Beautification Award.  Members of the Garden Club selected them by vote from...

Circling Back to Rotary: New Members and Service Projects

By Julie D'Aloiso I was honored earlier this month to become a new member of the Nordonia Rotary My dear friend Laura Sparano was also installed...

Nordonia Hills Garden Club will meet on April 17th

Calling All Green Thumbs! 🌱 Nordonia Hills Garden Club Monthly Meeting Date: Wednesday, April 17, 2024 Time: 6:30 p.m. Location: Macedonia City Center (1484 East Aurora Rd. -...

Local Sandwich Chain Partners with Children’s Cancer Foundation in Powerful Fundraising Campaign

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Western Reserve Grace Church Launches “Reclaim Ministries” to Support Addiction Recovery (VIDEO)

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UPDATE: The Persistent Hum in Macedonia: What’s Causing That Buzz?

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The Wonder of the Cleveland Metro Parks By Brad Nellis

By Brad Nellis Hello, I’m so pleased and honored to share my thoughts with you here! I appreciate the invitation very much. In my inaugural post,...